model_file | name of the MDL file containing the scene description |
hemicube_file | name of an HC file containing a hemicube |
output_file | name of an RGL file where the rendered scene will be written |
hemicube_world_wide | width of the hemicube in world coordinates |
max_patch_area | the largest patch size allowed in the scene; patches with area greater than max_patch_area will be automatically subdivided before the rendering process begins (large patches decrease the accuracy of the output) |
iteration_threshold | the middle phase of the rendering process is run repeatedly, allowing light energy to propagate throughout the scene; eventually, energy values in the scene will reach a steady state, though this may take many iterations; the process can be halted after only a few iterations and achieve satisfactory results; energy values between the last two iterations are compared, and if the energy difference is greater than iteration_threshold, another iteration is run (i.e., energy in the scene hasn't reached a steady state); otherwise, if the change in energy is less than the threshold, this stage in the rendering process ends (more propagation iterations increases the quality of the output) |
subdivide_threshold | after propagating light energy throughout the scene, each patch is examined for large energy discontinuities; if the discontinuities are greater than subdivide_threshold, the patch is subdivided; after all patches in need of subdivision are discovered, the entire rendering process is run again (a low subdivide_threshold increases the quality of the output) |
gamma | the gamma correction to apply to the scene after rendering it; 1.0 is no correction, 0.5 increase the intensity of low energy regions, and 1.5 decreases the intensity of low energy regions; a value of 0.125 seems to work well to simulate how the human visual system would see the scene |
texture_size | the size of the largest patch texture in the scene; a texture of this size will be used for the patch with the largest area, and smaller patches will receive proportionally smaller textures; note that RadiosGL uses square texture patches, so using 100 for texture_size would make the largest texture 100x100; note also that many 3D cards (e.g., Voodoo2) only support textures with a maximum size of 256x256; keep your 3D card in mind when rendering a scene with RadiosGL; using smaller textures conserves disk space, but it doesn't really affect rendering times |