num_patches v1x v1y v1z v2x v2y v2z v3x v3y v3z cr cg cb er eg eb v1x v1y v1z v2x v2y v2z v3x v3y v3z cr cg cb er eg eb .... v1x v1y v1z v2x v2y v2z v3x v3y v3z cr cg cb er eg eb
num_patches | an integer describing the number of patches in the file |
vnx, vny, vnz, n in {1,2,3} | floating point values representing the x, y, and z coordinates of the nth vertex of a patch |
cr cg cb | floating point values representing red, green, and blue color components for the reflectivity of the patch |
er eg eb | floating point values representing red, green, and blue color components for the light being emitted from the patch |
3 -10 0 10 0 20 0 10 0 10 1 1 1 0 0 0 -10 0 10 0 0 -10 0 20 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 20 0 0 0 -10 1 1 1 0 0 0