The APN records Mission:
APN records is an independent record label operating out of Cleveland, OH.
Since its conception in 1995, APN records has stuck to the not-for-profit philosophy
of its founders. APN records strives to create a nook in the music industry that is different
from the music industry. Paradoxical perhaps...
No one has forgotten that music is an art form. In fact, it is one of humanity's oldest art forms.
However, unlike many of the other art forms, in our modern culture music can be very profitable.
What painter has received the fame, fortune, and "power" of today's most successful pop bands?
The "music industry" is the most money-driven, cut-throat, manipulative, and deceitful art industry today.
Everyone close to the industry has noticed and felt it. APN records has noticed and felt it. APN records
refuses to be part of the music industry.
APN records strives to help bands. That's all we do. APN records doesn't promise wealth, but it does promise
exposure. Every artist wants to be heard. Every artist wants to be free. In the modern music industry, these
two desires are like oil and water. APN is for artists. If you're looking for wealth and power (and emptiness),
click here.
APN records is a not-for-profit organization. All money brought in to APN is spent to help our artists.

©1999 APN records